Educating the Grand Forks Region
CVIC’s prevention and education team provides educational presentations to service clubs, church groups, student organizations, and businesses throughout greater Grand Forks County.
We provide specialized training for professionals locally and throughout the United States on best practices to improve coordinated response to violence, offering curricula tailored to disciplines including:
- Law Enforcement
- Criminal Justice/Courts
- Healthcare
- Human Services
- Clergy
- Children’s Services
- Military
Youth Education

Healthy relationships provide a foundation for violence prevention. CVIC’s prevention and education team works with schools throughout Grand Forks County to educate K-12 youth and arm them with the fundamentals needed to develop positive relationships and prevent the use of violence. Our team supports delivery of about 25 unique curricula on topics including bullying, dating violence, sexual assault and harassment, communicating through a break-up, friendship skills, and healthy relationships.

Request a training
Schedule a training for your school or organization.
Contact Brittany.